Lorraine Lewis


Current position: lorraine.lewis@health.nsw.gov.au

Years qualified: 23 years

Research areas of interest:
Breast radiotherapy and improvement of treatment for these patients.

Would you describe yourself as a ‘novice’ or ‘experienced’ researcher? Experienced

Research qualifications Masters of App.Sc MRS research

What is your greatest research achievement?
Completed y research masters degree as a prospective study which has clinically change practice for breast radiotherapy patients. With a publication from this research.

Why did you decide to get involved in research? It has always interested my how can we make what we do better for our patients with cutting edge projects.

Who encouraged you to get involved in research and who do you go to for advice when you need it? My tutor.

How do you balance research/work/family life
It’s very hard, my Research masters completed by thesis took four years an I was working clinically at the time with two small children. The research was setup as a doctorate but I couldn’t keep up with the out of hours commitment that was required hence masters by thesis with only one publication.

How did you find a mentor/supervisor?
I decided on my own topic after working clinically for many years. I believe relevant RT research questions come when you have experienced clinical working. You have the experience yourself to drive the project and then finding a supervisor was easy.

What was/is your supervisor/mentor’s best advice?
Do the background reading first find the gap in the literature and your research is only as good as the study design. Spend the time designing the study and make sure you keep focused.

What do you enjoy most about being involved in research? Challenging myself and driving change for better treatment for my patients.

What has been your biggest challenge or barrier to being involved in research?
Clinical workload and time. This is the reason so many RT’s who have the drive and skill may never get involved in research. There is no career path for Rt’s as researchers and these skills are not seen as core business for RT’s.

What one piece of advice would you give other researchers? Complete formal post graduate qualifications this will ensure you gain the necessary skills to publish and make long term change.

Is there any other information you wish to share with the network? There is a difference between departmental protocol development and “true ” research.